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Selectmen's Minutes - July 6, 1994

            Minutes: July 6, 1994 - Selectmen Meeting

Selectmen attending: Joseph Frisoli, Chair; Judith Murdoch, Vice-
Chair; Peter Jones, and Catherine Kuchinski, Clerk.  Also: Joseph
Nugent, Executive Secretary to the Board.

Opening and Announcements: Frisoli called the meeting to order at
7:30pm with the following announcements:  (1) With a moment of
silence the Board noted the passing of former Selectman Elmer
Meinhold who was elected to office in 1984.  Mr. Meinhold had
also served the Town of Hanson on the Finance Committee and the
community with his involvement with Hanson Youth Baseball.  The
Board sends condolences to his family.  Motion 7/6/94.1: move to
place the Town Hall flag at half staff on Thursday and Friday in
memory of Elmer Meinhold.  Motion made by Kuchinski with second
by Murdoch.  Motion carried 4-0;   (2) Frisoli noted several
recent Fringe benefit inquiries and read the June 29 memo
response from Carol McCormack regarding the issue wherein she
notes that the Town will still be using the De Minimis rule for
computation fringe benefit of vehicles.  When asked about direct
contact with the IRS, McCormack responded that she had done so in
1989 but for the last two weeks she was unable to reach IRS due
to busy lines for year-end tax season.   Kuchinski requested a
meeting with McCormack, Nugent and any other interested party
next week to further discuss the issue since her reading of the
IRS booklets does not compare with McCormack's.  Because of
vacation scheduling, the meeting should take place next Thursday;
(3) The Board received a letter from East Bridgewater Selectmen
looking to meet in October to discuss any issues of mutual
concern of the Towns.  The Board directed Nugent to respond in
the affirmative for a meeting between the Boards to discuss
mutual issues such as water and MBTA.  If Board members can think
of any other issues they should be forwarded to Nugent for
inclusion in his letter;  (4) Frisoli read the State's notice
that fish caught in Factory Pond should not be eaten due to high
levels of mercury found in fish tested last winter.  
Contamination may be from old munitions site in the area.  The
Board of Health has posted No Fishing signs.  Nugent informed the
Board that Hanover has contacted the firm of McGregor and Shea to
investigate what steps necessary to have clean-up initiated by
the proper responsible agency.  In light of the issue and that
Factory Pond is likely within the headwaters of the North River,
Kuchinski requested a letter be sent to the Conservation
Commission asking if a member or members would attend meetings of
the North River Commission in order to keep abreast of the
situation and in touch with representatives of our neighboring
towns;  (5) Chair read Chief Berry's letter noting Officer Peter
Daley's attendance at GREAT training (Gang Resistance Education
And Training) June 20 -24.  Officer Daley is only the second
Massachusetts officer to complete this training program offered
by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearm division of the
U.S. Treasury Department. The Board congratulated Officer Daley
on his achievement;  (6) Frisoli read a letter from William
Maloof - Olde N.E. Landscaping requesting the Board's permission
and support for him to solicit businesses in Town in order to
obtain funds to landscape the traffic islands in Hanson as well
as to do the actual landscaping of the islands.  Pride in Hanson
signs would note the funding business and that  maintenance was
by Olde N.E. Landscaping.   No signage issues were noted and Mr.
Maloof would be attempting to secure the barrels from
disappearance.  Motion 7/6/94.2: move to allow William Maloof
(177 Indian Head Street) of Olde N.E. Landscaping permission to
solicit businesses and do the landscaping for the Island
Beautification Project.  Motion by Murdoch with second by
Kuchinski.  Motion carried 4-0.

II. Treasurer/Collector regarding TAN's: McCormack requesting
signatures on the $1.85 million Tax Anticipation Notes for the
period of July 15 through May 11, 1995 for which she went out to
bid on June 30th.  There were six bidders with a $500,000 award
to Rockland Trust at 3.58% interest and $1.35 million to State
Street Bank at 3.75% interest.  Other bidders were Bay Bank,
Fleet, Quincy Savings Bank and Shawmut. Interest will cost
$57,104.17.  McCormack noted she received a lower rate by going
out at the end of the fiscal year.  Selectmen requested Nugent to
coordinate the necessary tax classification hearing with the
Board of Assessors.  This hearing is necessary in order to set
the tax rate which in turn allows the tax bills to be sent out in
a timely manner to prevent the necessity for addition borrowing.

III. Joint Meeting of the Board of Water Commissioners and the
Board of Selectmen - see Addendum A for the minutes of this
portion of the meeting in which by roll call vote Thomas Dahlberg
was appointed to the vacancy created by the resignation of Water
Commissioner Paul Wyman.

IV. Kiwanis - Annual Steak Fry: Hanson Kiwanis is requesting a
one day beer and wine license for Annual Steak Fry at Camp
Kiwanee on August 8, 1994 from 5-8pm.  Motion 7/6/94.3: move to
grant a one day beer and wine license to Hanson Kiwanis at Camp
Kiwanee on August 8, 1994.  Motion made by Murdoch with second by
Jones.  Motion carried 4-0.

V. Appointment of Election Workers: Board of Registrars forwarded
the following approved names for appointment as election workers
for a term to expire on June 30, 1995:  Virginia Sharland (46
Fairwood Drive), Patricia Strait (469 Indian Head Street), Ernest
Amado (592 State Street), Maureen Murphy (411 Franklin Street),
Joan Malone (233 Elm Street), Phyllis Andrews (133 Elm Street),
Ann Marie Delacono (269 Phillips Street), Gloria Amado (205 South
Street), Alice Wildes (498 State Street), Deborah Mascuilli (48
West Washington Street), Faith Mosher (321 High Street), Barbara
Nelson (93 Hillcrest Road), Priscilla Pratt (691 East Washington
Street) Georgina Dias (19 Briggs Street), Pauline Darsch (753
High Street), Cecelia Hazzard (25 Arlene Street), Carol Svizzero
(359 Maquan Street), Mary Puleio (97 Crescent Street), Kathleen
Egan (263 Main Street), Donald Ferguson (1114 East Washington
Street).  Motion 7/6/94.4: move to appoint the election workers
as listed and approved by Board of Registrars until June 30,
1995.  Motion made by Kuchinski with second by Jones.  Motion
carried 3-0-1 (Murdoch having left the room for a short time
returning just after the vote).

VI. Additional Appointments:  (1) Fence Viewer: Motion 7/6/94.5:
move to appoint David Bonney as a Fence Viewer until June 30,
1995.  Motion made by Jones with second by Kuchinski.  Motion
carried 4-0;  (2) Recreation Commission:  Motion 7/6/94.6: move
to appoint Dwight F. Williams to the Recreation Commission for a
three year term.  Motion made by Kuchinski with second by
Murdoch.  Motion carried 4-0,   (3) Capital Improvement
Committee:  Motion 7/6/94.7: move to appoint James Geronaitis to
the Capital Improvement Committee for a three year term.  Motion
made by Jones with second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 4-0, (4)
Drainage Committee:  Motion 7/6/94.8: move to appoint George
Cirillo to the Drainage Committee for a term to expire June 30,
1995.  Motion made by Murdoch with second by Kuchinski.  Motion
carried 4-0.  Kuchinski requested Nugent ask the Planning Board
to name the requested Planning Board representative to the
Drainage Committee.

VII. Request for Common Victualer License: Spiro and Annette
Stavrou of 31 Birchbark Drive requesting a license for the
opening of Spiro's II at 1064 Main Street.  Opening day is set
for Wednesday, July 13 and final Town inspections are expected on
the 11 of July.  They are requesting the Board to sign the permit
contingent upon obtaining all necessary signatures before
issuance.   Motion 7/6/94.9: move to issue Common Victualer's
license to Stavrou for Spiro's II contingent upon receipt of all
required signatures on the Town sign-off sheet.  Motion made by
Jones with second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 4-0.

VIII. Council of Elder Affairs - old van: Angela Erben has
notified the Board that the Council for Elder Affairs wishes to
have the Selectmen accept the old van as surplus.  The plates
have been turned in, the Highway department has been requested to
pick up the vehicle and the value of the vehicle is only good for
what can be salvaged off of it. Motion 7/6/94.10: move that the
Board of Selectmen accept as surplus the old bus used as a van by
the Elder Affairs Council.  Motion made by Murdoch with second by
Kuchinski.  Motion carried 4-0.

IX. Labor Counsel: Citing past working experience with Earl
Wilson, Murdoch made the following motion  Motion 7/6/94.11: move
that the Board of Selectmen accept the services of Wilson and
Wilson as labor counsel for the Town. Motion made by Murdoch with
second by Jones.  During discussion Jones noted willingness for
status quo, Kuchinski voiced her preference for Kingston and
Hodnett but noting feelings of previous speakers would cast an
affirmative vote to show Board support for the apparent choice,
and Frisoli noted his initial desire to use Kopelman and Paige
for the service continuity factor but that he would ask for a
unanimous vote.  Motion carried 4-0.
X. Hanson Police Relief Association grievances: In attendance
were Chief Berry, Joe Larkin, Union President, Donna Buckley,
attorney for the Union, Rusty King with Officer Andrews attending
towards the end of the meeting.   Three grievances were had
previously been denied by the Chief were presented for redress to
the Board of Selectmen.  The issues center around the shift bid
process (Article 9 section 1) and the scheduling of officers
assigned to attend the 4 month police academy program.  Grievance
1 is the shift of Yakovonis for January to June 30, 1994 in which
upon his return from the academy, the Chief assigned him to a day
shift for an evaluation by older officer instead of returning him
to the midnight to 8 shift he had prior to the academy.  The
requested resolution for this problem is moot since the time
period of the shift has ended.  Grievance 2 and 3 appear entwined
since Officer Watson has not bid a shift for this new shift bid
time of July 1 through December 31st yet has been assigned by the
Chief a shift (two midnight to 8 and two 4-12) which is desired
by a more senior officer.  Apparently, the Chief continued the
schedule Watson was working last shift bid time period because
Watson is scheduled for police academy training August 8 through
mid December.  Discussion centered on Union's demand that shift
bidding be redone with all officers bidding shifts by seniority.
Past practice on openings was asked and the concept of vacancy
versus opening discussed.  Union noted that coverage should not
be affected by a request to rebid since the department had been
minimally covered before the two additional officers were hired
so that Chief should be able to design coverage which would not
be detrimental to the Town's safety. Citing need to contact Labor
Counsel on this issue the following motion was made at the
request of the Union to allow them to begin the arbitration
process, yet stating their willingness to revisit the issue after
Town discusses situation with labor counsel.  Motion 7/6/94.12:
move to deny the three grievances presented to the Board.  Motion
made by Murdoch with second by Jones.  Motion carried 4-0.  Union
has 30 days from tonight to file for arbitration.

While both the Chief and Union were present, Kuchinski asked
status of the draft Rules and Regulations submitted for review by
the Police Department last March.  Frisoli noted that Selectmen
should give comments to the Chief for further discussions with
the union and that the concept would have to be impact bargained
at a later date.   Frisoli asked Buckley for a letter which she
noted she had discussed with the Town's labor counsel and would
again discuss it at the appropriate time.

XI. Action Requests:  (1) Kuchinski asked that agenda time be
scheduled for the Police Department Rules and Regulations; (2)
Kuchinski asked the status of the Special Police Officer physical
exams. Nugent and the Chief noted that exams are being taken this
month.  Board will reappoint as a group.    (3) Request to
Appoint 175 Town Anniversary Committee: Kuchinski noted that the
Town celebrates 175 years during 1995 and asked that the Board
establish a committee to discuss plans to commemorate the event.
She gave a commentary of the events during the 150th
Sesquicentennial year.  Motion 7/6/94.13: move to establish a
175th Town Anniversary Committee.  Motion made by Murdoch with
second by Kuchinski.  Motion carried 4-0.  The Board agreed that
Kuchinski would act to organize the committee's first meeting.
She requested the newspapers to note a meeting of July 11, 1994
at 7pm at the Town Hall.

XII. Executive Secretary's Report: (1) Nugent reported Chief
Berry's actions with the Leslies for ticketing to occur at 1
Liberty Street.  Motion 7/6/94.14: move to allow ticketing by
police department at 1 Liberty Street by request of owner.
Motion by Kuchinski with second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 4-0.  
The issue of no parking signs at Dunkin Donuts is on hold but is
now on the list of items for Nugent to discuss with the state.
(2) Nugent noted that upcoming under the vehicle plan is a swap
of vehicles.  The assessors would like the vehicle currently used
by Nugent to be given to them once the new vehicle is received by
the Town to be assigned to Nugent under the plan.  The assessors
car would then be used for parts.  Discussion was generated on
policy by department heads for vehicle assignment and personal
use to travel home. Kuchinski noted her concern that Town Meeting
has not voted the entity known as a Small Vehicle Plan and that
some of the issues being raised in this discussion had some
bearing on the tax issue she will be meeting with McCormack and
others next week.  No decisions were made.

XI. Executive Session Request: Frisoli requested motion to go
into executive session under Number 3 - Contract negotiations for
the Fire, Highway and Dispatcher Contracts.  At this time he only
expects one vote - on the highway contract.  Motion 7/6/94.15:
move to enter Executive Session under #3 for contract
negotiations - fire, highway and dispatchers.  Motion made by
Murdoch with second by Jones.  Motion carried 4-0.  Exited open
session at 10:20pm.

XII. Reenter Open Session for Adjournment. Reentered Open Session
at 11:20pm.  Motion 7/6/94.15: move to adjourn.   Motion by
Murdoch with second by Jones. Motion carried 4-0. Adjourned at

                          ADDENDUM A

                    Minutes: July 6, 1994

Joint Meeting of the Board of Water Commissioners and the Board
of Selectmen

Water Commissioners attending: Phyliss Bickford, Chair; Robert
Andrews; John Currie, and Donald Morway.

Selectmen attending: Joseph Frisoli, Chair; Judith Murdoch, Vice-
Chair; Peter Jones, and Catherine Kuchinski, Clerk.  

Also: Joseph Nugent, Executive Secretary to the Board of
Selectmen and the candidates Jerome Thompson and Thomas Dahlberg.

Opening: By consensus of the Board members, Joseph Frisoli
chaired the meeting and Catherine Kuchinski would compile the
minutes of the meeting.  Frisoli called the meeting to order at
7:55pm. Kuchinski requested that the minutes be accepted by each
Board at the next appropriate meeting after completion.

Purpose: The Boards are meeting in response to the recent
resignation of Water Commissioner Paul Wyman.  State law and Town
by-law necessitates the Boards meeting to appoint a person to the
vacant position by roll call vote.

Frisoli read each candidate's letter of intention previously sent
to each Board in response to the vacancy notice. Water Commission
Chair Bickford commented that the successful candidate needed to
be flexible in scheduling since the current workload of the Board
was quite heavy and sometimes necessitated evening meetings twice
a week.  She also noted that availability to attend daytime
meetings at DEP would be quite helpful.

Murdoch questioned candidates on their flexibility and each
candidate acknowledged the time commitment and ability to pitch
in.  Frisoli asked Dahlberg about his views on new hook-ups be
they businesses or residences.  Dahlberg responded that the Town
was off the moratorium and that all should be on Hanson water
system.   Bickford asked each candidate to state what he would
bring to the Board.  Thompson noted his previous experience as a
water department worker and that would give an insight on day-to-
day operations.  Dahlberg cited his experience as chair of the
Water Department Study Committee and his attendance at many water
meetings.  Jones and Murdoch asked for methods to gain public
acceptance of water conservation.  Each candidate cited need for
water exploration to continue and enforcement of current water
restriction bans.  Each noted that water rates are effective in
that people must pay for water consumed. Thompson noted that
pamphlets could be developed for educational purposes as well.
Andrews asked each candidate how he would increase revenue for
the department to continue the current program of operation.
Dahlberg noted that major purchases by the department, i.e. water
tank should be funded by debt exclusion where taxpayers could use
the payment as a legitimate tax deduction instead of no chance to
deduct as the current water fee. Such a program would show tax
payers that the department was working to conserve the tax
payer's money.  Thompson noted that the contractor's fee for
hook-ups could be reviewed to be an accurate charge of the cost.
Kuchinski noted her attendance at a recent meeting at Bridgewater
State College regarding Regional Water Supply needs and asked
each candidate if he had any knowledge of the possible Taunton
River water diversion concept, tapping Plymouth Carver aquifer,
application to MWRA, or desalination.  Neither had any comment
beyond what had been read in the paper.

ROLL CALL VOTE: Joseph Frisoli: Dahlberg; Peter Jones: Dahlberg;
Catherine Kuchinski: Dahlberg; Robert Andrews: Thompson; Phyliss
Bickford; Dahlberg; John Currie: Dahlberg; Donald Morway:
Thompson; Judith Murdoch: Dahlberg.  The vote: 6 for Thomas
Dahlberg and 2 for Thompson.   The appointment of Thomas Dahlberg
to the position of Water Commission is effective pending he
seeing the Town Clerk to be sworn in.  Mr. Thompson was sincerely
thanked by all for his interest and willingness to serve.  It is
hoped that he again seek elective office in the future.

Adjournment:   During the adjournment process, the following
announcements were made by Mr. Andrews:    As Civil Defense he
noted his receipt of FEMA documents citing town's eligibility in
the event funding necessary due to hardships.  He noted progress
is being made towards establishing a joint (Whitman and Hanson)
relief center at the high school with possibility of receiving a
high power generator.  Apparently joint town ventures are
favorable.    Andrews also noted the history and need for
Measurer of Bark position.  It is needed for those who sell
lumber within Town.

The meeting was declared closed by Chair Frisoli at 8:25pm with
both Boards going to their separate regular meetings.